Amos Glick
Press & Reviews
Feature Articles
Former Cast Member of 'Le Rêve' Joins Marvel's WandaVision, July, 20th, 2021
WandaVision's Mailman Proclaims His Own Irrelevance in Epic Music Video, June, 10th, 2021
Dennis The Mailman from 'WandaVision' delivers hip hop melodies with "Just The Messenger", June, 9th, 2021
WandaVision role delivers joy for Amos Glick, Class of 1990
Earlham College Online Magazine, March, 19th, 2021
Friendly Neighborhood Delivery-Man: How actor Amos Glick went from a kid performing skits at summer camp to a fan favorite on Marvel Studios' most popular TV show, May, 24th, 2021
Life after the Strip: Where do performers go when their time on the boulevard is complete?
Las Vegas Sun, July, 18th, 2016
After The Curtain Call: 'OK, OK Variety' Blends Some Of The Strip's Top Talent
Las Vegas Weekly, February 5th, 2015
Best Show Bargain
Seven Magazine, July, 2014
And Now for Something Completely Different, March 7, 2014
Performers get together for unrehearsed, late-night show
Las Vegas Sun, February 28, 2014
Penny Pibbets' Las Vegas Includes Magic, Clowns And Absinthe, July 7, 2011
Wandering Minstrels (and Contortionists and Jugglers)
Seven Magazine, March 18, 2010
Backstage in Las Vegas, a cirque du risque
LA Times, October 9, 2009
Entertaining one another, not the tourists
Las Vegas Sun, April 27, 2009
It takes a... Village Barbershop, March 10, 2009
The 10+ Best Shows of 2006
San Francisco Bay Times, January 4, 2007
Martin Short is making this up
Mercury News, May 4, 2006
There's Life after Mime, in Europe, for Bush Actor
The Sunset Beacon, July, 2003
Politics, Propaganda, and the Theatre
Performink Online, May 9, 2003
Belly dancers to banana eaters
SF Chronicle, June 19, 2002
The Village Barbershop - Reviews Starring John Ratzenberger
"...cannily low-key charmer ...this is precisely the sort of movie people who no longer go to movies often complain 'they just don't make anymore.'...
solid work by all principal cast."
"'The Village Barbershop' shows that American independent cinema is still alive and capable of telling 'little stories' about everyday people just trying to get by...
Some of the secondary performers are quite good ... John Jacobi [Amos Glick], the cold-hearted, conniving landlord."
"The Village Barbershop lathers up a poignant piece of first-time filmmaking that focuses firmly on the integrity in people."
The Dick 'n Dubya Show - Reviews Written by Amos Glick & Ed Holmes
"(Dick) and his lovable sidekick Amos Glick (Dubya) reprise their
penetrating caricatures from past San Francisco Mime Troupe shows in a new
satire... Glick's comically out-of-his-depth, take-charge
Dubya... offer[s] some much-needed laughs in
dark times."
"it's an asinine idea that makes for an admirably funny show; but then that's hardly a surprise given the agitprop and
improv chops of these Mime Troupe veterans...Glick's simpleton-in-chief [is] masterfully reproduce[d] in
every gesture and inflection. Cleverly crafted...only political satire this good could get us to laugh at the seriously unfunny catastrophes
trailing behind (and ahead) of these donkeys. Or rather elephants."
The San Francisco Bay Guardian
"It's hoppin'...Amos Glick is terrific as the malaprop-popping,
sentence-mutilating Dubya...Whether painful direct quotes, or improvised bits of comedy, they hit
today's hot political topic with belly-aching acumen...when the preaching is this
much fun, then bring it on! Check out The Dick 'n Dubya Show: A Republican Cabaret for a very
good time."
The Bay Times
"Ed Holmes and Amos Glick, from The San Francisco Mime Troupe, play the role of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush with
astonishing resemblance...a highly entertaining showcase...A well-executed bit of comedy reminiscent of 'Saturday Night Live' back when Chevy Chase did Gerald
The Daily Californian
"...the best stuff comes out in the relatively unscripted Q&A portion...Amos Glick makes an amusingly smug and childlike chief executive."
The East Bay Express
"It's an SNL-like exercise, with Amos Glick playing George close to the vest, mimicking our leader's quirks with a minimum of
fuss...[they] engage the crowd in a town hall-type revival - Bush innocent and frustrated,
Cheney spiteful and pissed."
The San Francisco Weekly
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